"a sales organization that grows" a natural outcome.

A growth-type cloud service that supports continuous growth of individuals and organizations
JUST.SFA is a sales support tool that realizes continuous growth for organizations and individuals. Since data can be accumulated and analyzed smoothly, you can quickly discover winning sales patterns. With a highly customizable user interface specifically designed for ease of use for everyone, it strongly supports SFA (Sales Force Automation) utilization in sales organizations.

"How can we consistently achieve great results?"
Shortly before JUST.SFA was developed, there was a manager in JustSystems who was struggling to enhance business performance. He was increasing sales little by little by going to business negotiations himself and checking the progress of each individual sale, however, at one point he came to realize that his way of doing business was not efficient. Each team member should achieve results, grasp and understand the issues of the entire team, and deploy long-sighted measures. He started thinking about a new way in which he would not be the only person to manage and increase sales.

Data accumulation, analysis, and measures will grow the entire sales organization
Accumulation and analysis of data were essential to promote individual growth and identify issues for the team. Thorough utilization of such data led to the quantification of know-how and the resolution of issues in the sales flow, resulting in the growth of the team and the business. However, these efforts would often require rebuilding systems. "If there is a service that I can quickly customize myself." JUST.SFA is a field-driven SFA developed in response to such a requirement.
Make it commonplace for an organization to continue to grow
Since its release, JustSystems has been using JUST.SFA inside the company. There is a so-called "dogfooding" aspect to this, but we feel that this system is the best in terms of being able to realize ongoing growth. Customers who use it will achieve results, and JUST.SFA will grow accordingly. As this cycle continues, JUST.SFA will continue to increase its strength.

Product Details

Continue the cycle of data accumulation, indicator analysis, and on-site improvement. It is a growth-type sales support service that strongly supports the utilization of SFA in sales organizations with a user interface that has been carefully designed with ease of use and advanced customizability in mind.