
Contributing to the Realization of
a Sustainable Society through our Business
With our unique perspective and planning and development capabilities, we have been creating high value-added products and services and providing them to society since our founding. In recent years, the rapid development of digital technology has diversified social structures and values, and the needs of customers have changed dramatically. We believe that we can contribute to society by continuing to create and provide new values in each of our businesses in response to these changes.
When doing so, we will focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and continue to conduct business in a responsible manner.
ESG initiatives

Building a High-Quality Educational Environment
For more than 20 years, we have been providing educational software to schools and supporting children's learning. By utilizing this know-how, we are now offering a new learning environment, called distance learning, via tablets that can be used at home. While facing large-scale changes in the way people learn, we strive to provide high-quality learning opportunities for children, who will inherit the next generation.

Utilizing Diverse Human Resources and Promoting Women Taking Active Roles
With the following goals in mind, our recruitment and management of human resources is conducted in a way that promotes diversity and people with different experiences and skills.
・ To maintain the ratio of women in managerial positions and mid-career hires at 10% or more at all times.
・ In consideration of our business development, we will appoint managers from different cultures and backgrounds where appropriate.
In addition, in order to secure diverse human resources that will contribute to the enhancement of our corporate value, we are enhancing our skill development system with an awareness of the characteristics of each job category, and introducing various personnel systems (such as a childcare leave system, a system to designate working hours, and a telecommuting system to maintain a comfortable working environment for women).

Promoting Digital Transformation of Companies and Organizations
We promote technological innovations in companies by providing products and services that support digital transformation. The digitization of data aggregation, analysis, and sales process has dramatically increased the speed of corporate decision-making, leading to improved business performance.

Reducing Environmental Impact through Provision of Products and Services
In addition to our in-house efforts, we provide products and services that help our customers reduce their environmental impact.

- Reducing Paper Consumption
We reduce paper consumption by distributing digital teaching materials to tablet devices and by introducing IT for business processes in companies.
- Reducing Power Consumption
We contribute to the reduction of power consumption by providing services such as cloud platforms and file server optimization solutions.

Corporate Governance
We aim to enhance our comprehensive, medium-to long-term corporate value that benefits all stakeholders. To this end, we recognize the importance of enhancing corporate governance, including swift decision-making in management and appropriate release of information. Based on this concept, we are working to strengthen management oversight by the Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and to develop and implement comprehensive internal control and compliance systems.
With the aim of ensuring thorough compliance by employees, we conduct reading sessions of the code of conduct and implement e-learning to educate our employees on the protection of personal information and other security matters. Our training program for new employees includes compliance education, and each employee, upon completion of the program, will be continually required to participate in training sessions and surveys.
Information Security
We believe that ensuring security, when handling highly confidential data such as personal information, is one of our most important responsibilities as a business operator. From this perspective, we strive to manage information with the utmost care by establishing and implementing internal rules such as "Information Management Rules."
- Protection of Personal Information
We protect personal information appropriately by formulating a "Personal Information Protection Policy" and establishing and operating a Personal Information Protection Management System. As proof of being a business operator that complies with JIS Q 15001 "Personal Information Protection Management System - Requirements," we have been granted the right to display "PrivacyMark."
- Security Measures
We obtained ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27017 certification, an international standard which certifies that our information security management system is properly established and strictly operated in our corporate website and web services.
Human Capital Management
Developing Human Resources Who Create a New Direction
Our basic policy is to actively recruit a diverse range of human resources and foster each and every employee to grasp the essence of issues, think them through, and continue to create a New Direction.

Creating an Environment Where Employees Can Continue to Change and Grow
Our basic policy is to create an environment in which each and every employee can have a high sense of ownership. To that end, we are actively implementing the following initiatives and introducing various human resource systems.
・ Optimal staffing
・ Various training and a subsidies system for qualification acquisition
・ A target management assessment system and a profit-sharing system
・ A childcare leave system, a system for designating working hours, a system for working from home,